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Tensions Between the West and Russia are Rising Again


Politics, Geopolitics & Conflict

- Tensions are slowly rising, and expanding further afield in relation to the Russia-Ukraine war, with a number of new developments that build on other East-West conflict developments over the past few months. France agreed (on D-Day) to give Mirage fighter jets to Ukraine by the end of the year. Four Russian warships are headed for Cuba and will dock next week in what is being interpreted as a message to Washington. One of the four warships is a nuclear-powered sub, and Moscow promptly assured that none would be armed with nuclear weapons. That preceded Washington’s move to green light Kyiv’s use of American weapons to target Russian territory across the border in what essentially looks like full-on proxy warfare. These are all dangerous steps towards a world war that could easily end up being entirely by proxy.

- Biden’s 3-phase ceasefire plan for Gaza was on the line this week at the UN, with Russia, China and Algeria indicating they were not prepared to back the proposal yet. In order to pass, the resolution needs backing from nine member countries, for starters, and zero vetoes (China, Russia, Britain, the U.S. and France all have veto power).

- Climate scientist and former Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum has won Mexico’s presidential elections, and has vowed to continue in the path of AMLO. Sheinbaum is a leftist who campaigned on a promise of more renewable energy development. She may have to tone down her climate…

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