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Nigeria's Dangote Refinery Reselling Imported Crude Oil

The Easiest Way To Bet On Hydrogen?

As I have said many times before, I have made a living from markets on and off for around forty years. I have often looked back and analyzed what it is that has made that longevity possible, and one of the things that keeps coming up in that context is that I am inherently skeptical of consensus. I guess that makes me what Americans call "ornery" and we British would simply refer to as an argumentative pain in the backside, but it has always made me look for a counterargument when everyone seems to agree on something, and that has served me well over the years.

That is why, even though I have long-term positions based on the growing consensus views that EVs are the future of the automobile industry, and that solar and wind power are the future of energy in terms of electricity generation, I have still been looking for a way to hedge those trades. One way to do that is an ETF that is focused on hydrogen power, the Direxion Hydrogen Fund (HJEN).

Hydrogen power has long been seen as the holy grail of alternative energy, an energy source that uses the most abundant raw material on the planet, water, with no known detrimental environmental impact. The problem is that extracting, storing, and transporting hydrogen is not that easy, and the power plants it requires are bulky, heavy and relatively expensive. There have been some advances in those fields, but other energy sources and EVs have gained the upper hand.

However, should there be just a few more technological…

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